What Causes Overweight and Obesity?


understanding Obesity

The disease of obesity is now the most common disease experienced by humans . Improved well-being of life did not rule out the disease enters the human body , but instead cause other diseases arise . One such disease is obesity . Obesity is a condition where the body had an accumulation of excessive fat so overweight .

Indeed, humans need fat in the body that serve as energy , heat insulating and shock absorption , and other functions . But we need to know the normal ratio of the total amount of fat weight is 25-30 % in women , whereas in men is 18-23 % . More than this amount can already called obesity . People who have a body weight over 20 % of the middle of the weight range can already be considered obese and obese groups were classified into the following three :

Mild obesity that those who have a 20-40 % excess weight .

Obesity was that those who had a 41-100 % overweight .

Severe obesity that those who are overweight by more than 100 % and there are about 5 % found in the obese people in the world .

However , we also need to notice that there is accumulation of fat is still being reasonable . In women prone to accumulation of fat in the hips and buttocks so that his body into shape like a pear . In men tend to accumulation of fat in the abdomen so that her body shape like an apple . But at certain times such as menopause , women may experience a body shape like an apple and pear men . Well , they are at risk of obesity is that accumulating fat in the abdomen . Therefore , the image of the body like a pear shape actually better than the picture of the apple body shape .

Causes of Obesity

What exactly is the cause of obesity ? Some say unhealthy lifestyle is the trigger . Yes , one of which is it . Here are some of the causes of obesity we need to know :

1 . Family history .

Genetic factors are one of the causes of obesity . Genetic factors contribute 33% of a person's weight . But did you know that it is not only the genes are passed on to offspring but also the lifestyle that has been familiarized by a family . So if parents tend to eat a lot of fat and then the children will follow , not to mention because parents are also getting used like that .

2 . Factors mind / psyche .

It can also affect a person's eating habits . For instance , the reaction to the emotions could have acted on many eating habits .

3 . Environment .

Environment includes lifestyle pattern or acted by someone . Well , the activity of these environmental factors and food intake may be one of the most dangerous trigger obesity . Genetic factors can not be changed but can be adapted to environmental factors .

Obesity can not be underestimated ! This disease can lead to other dangerous diseases such as diabetes , high blood pressure and stroke , heart disease and many other diseases . Therefore , a person who already have signs of obesity should immediately fix the pattern of life that is not affected by the other .

Before the obese would be better to be noticed . You can control themselves in terms of the consumption of fatty foods , especially excessively . By doing enough physical activity so we can avoid the disease of obesity . Sometimes it takes a healthy diet even if it is nearly or already obese .

What Causes Overweight and Obesity? 4.5 5 littleBrother What Causes Overweight and Obesity?,understanding Obesity,Causes of Obesity understanding Obesity The disease of obesity is now the most common disease experienced by humans . Improved well-being of life did not r...

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