Brain Cancer in children


Brain cancer is a deadly disease that can affect the entire body 

This disease attacks the appropriate name the most important part of the human body and vital for life - brain . Brain cancer can affect anyone, whether they are already adults and children who saline . It is now the development of increasingly sophisticated medical technology that could eventually help cure brain cancer . However you that cases of brain cancer reaches 5 % of all cancers and most often occurs in children with a percentage rate of 70 % .

Those aged 20-40 years were productive that have a high risk of developing brain cancer . While it is based on gender between men and women has 13:10 ratio .

Brain cancer can be lethal whole body

Speaking of the brain , the brain consists of three important parts namely : a large brain ( cerebrum ) which consists of the right and left hemispheres , brainstem ( brainstem ) are in the middle and a small brain ( cerebellum ) is on the back of the head . Own brain cancer caused by mass groups of brain cells that grow abnormally . The cancer spreads through the brain tissue but rarely spreads to other parts of the body .

What are the effects and dangers of brain cancer ?

Brain tissue damage as has been mentioned the cancer will spread throughout the brain tissue . This will cause interference to the nervous system and the body can not function normally .
Appears on brain edema resulting cavity pressure kranian causing brain swelling .
Edema also cause severe damage to the head cavity which ultimately resulted in the death of the nerve centers .
Sense of smell disorders and movement disorders such as slowing the movement of the hands and feet accompanied by a sense of weakness .
Causes of brain cancer
Given this brain cancer should be avoided , it never hurts to know the triggers and causes of this deadly brain cancer :
Radiation emitted by cell phones and computers apparently encouraging symptom of cancer cells .
Trauma particular external trauma can stimulate the brain .
Too long in contact with chemicals such as dyes , pesticides and so on .
Radiotherapy beam exposure can lead to brain cancer .

Congenital and genetic brain cancer .

The characteristics of brain cancer
What are the characteristics that marked symptoms of brain cancer , the following signs:
Head pain arises in the morning precisely at 4 or 5 in the morning . Patients will often wake up suddenly from a deep sleep and can not sleep anymore .
Symptoms of vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain and nausea .
The increased pressure on the brain that causes back flow of venous blood and vision disorders .
On one side stand so it is difficult to close the eye properly .
Pressing the auditory nerve and the phenomenon of illusory sense of smell .
Epilepsy symptoms arise .
If you experience symptoms of brain cancer that has been mentioned is that the patient should have immediate medical examination to confirm diagnose . There are several methods of examination of brain cancer , among others, is the X-ray radiography to the head , brain CT scan , MRI , Electroencephalography and biochemical measurements .
If it was diagnosed with brain cancer patient should undergo immediate treatment . Brain cancer treatment itself is traditionally and there is no medical basis . However , this time we mention medical treatment , namely surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy . Not only that , a brain cancer patient also needs support and psychological help to cope with the illness . Care setting with a good diet will also play a role .

Brain Cancer in children 4.5 5 littleBrother Brain Cancer in children,Brain cancer can be lethal whole body,effects and dangers of brain cancer,Congenital and genetic brain cancer Brain cancer is a deadly disease that can affect the entire body  This disease attacks the appropriate name the most important part of ...

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