How to prevent and treat anemia in pregnant women


How to prevent and treat anemia in pregnant women,pengobatan leukimia,
How to prevent and treat anemia in pregnant women
in preventing anemia problem continues to stage serious enough , the mother would have to recognize the symptoms of anemia in pregnant women . So when realizing it , the mother can take appropriate remedial action . It is also essential that pregnant women regularly check the content of your doctor or midwife and ask for suggestions to overcome anemia .
Most importantly , the mother had to meet the demand for iron during pregnancy . This substance can be obtained through a variety of foods , such as eggs , green vegetables ie spinach , beets , beans , or red meat . In addition to foods that contain iron , which serves food helps the absorption of iron in the body is also required . For example , vitamin C contained in oranges , broccoli , left , papaya , and
strawberries .
During pregnancy , reduce the consumption of tea , especially in pregnant women who previously susceptible to anemia . Instead , drink water to keep the body hydrated and to increase the production of red blood cells . It is also important that mothers consume foods and doing activities that are useful for blood circulation in the body , but levels can be appropriate and not excessive . Yes , pregnant women should be responsive in order to keep the fetus healthy until birth !

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