Early Signs of Pregnancy


Symptoms and signs of early pregnancy

Sexual intercourse when a woman is in the fertile period will generally result in conception . Egg cells are fertilized by sperm and implanted in the womb as the fetus develops . This certainly is a highly anticipated by a married couple who had wanted the birth of a baby in their home life .

Therefore , early signs of pregnancy will be discussed below must be very useful for every woman who is expecting the presence of a baby . In addition , by knowing the signs of pregnancy , women can check and maintain early pregnancy .

Know the early signs of pregnancy in women

Early signs of pregnancy can be different for each woman . However , signs of pregnancy following are the most common in most women .
Not Experiencing Menstruation
Indeed , absence of periods can sometimes be a sign of illness . However , under normal circumstances there is no other sign that supports the existence of a disease , it does not get menstruation is a sign of early pregnancy . This marks occur because the uterus has been prepared for the fetus will contain . Therefore , women should be aware of their menstrual cycle so that it can check if it's too late menstruating or not .
Changes in Breast Shape
When it gets pregnancy , breast forms will enlarge and become more sensitive . Breasts will feel tight , itchy , and sometimes sore to the touch . In addition to shape , areola or nipple section to go bigger and darker . This sign is actually not surprising because eventually she will breastfeed her baby .
Not to worry if you become more frequent urination because it is a part of the early signs of pregnancy . Growing uterus makes bladder pressure and encourage women to urinate . This complaint can be gradually reduced until the pregnancy reaches 28 weeks .
Drowsiness often
Women who are pregnant will often feel sleepy despite no lack of sleep . Changes in hormone production that occurs drastically causing a pregnant woman be tired and eventually fell asleep .
Feelings of Nausea and Vomiting
Early sign of pregnancy is also a very common symptom that occurs in pregnant women , especially in early pregnancy . They are also commonly referred to as morning sickness . Why ? The other is not because women are more often feel nausea and sometimes vomiting in the morning . However , at the level of each woman is different , there is a feeling of nausea excessive and even spew whatever edible , but some are not so bad .
feeling Cravings
In early pregnancy , cravings feeling is normal . Women will usually want some certain foods , such as fruit or other food acid . The reason for this is actually a sign is not known until now .
in general , this complaint is referred to as constipation . This sign of pregnancy occurs in nearly 50 % of women . It is also caused by the growing uterus presses and raises . Hormonal changes can also cause constipation .
If many of the early signs of pregnancy that have been mentioned above occurs in women , it is likely that the woman does get pregnant . Immediately check with a pregnancy test or visit the doctor for a clearer result . Ultrasound examination is also necessary so that pregnancy can be maintained.

Early Signs of Pregnancy 4.5 5 littleBrother Early Signs of Pregnancy, Pregnancy Symptoms and signs of early pregnancy Sexual intercourse when a woman is in the fertile period will generally result in conception . Egg ...

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