Causes of Dehydration and How to Overcome It


Understanding dehydration

Dehydration is a condition in which the body's fluid balance disorder or water caused by greater volumes of water than revenue expenditure (drinking).Disorders of fluid balance is also followed by disturbances in the electrolyte balance in the body substances. So, in outline, dehydration can be caused by three factors:
Lack of substance sodium
Lack of water intake into the body
Combination of both the lack of substance of sodium and water in the body.

Dehydration itself is divided into 3 categories based on weight loss occurs, which is as follows:
Mild dehydration, a decrease of 5% of body fluids from the body.
Moderate dehydration, a decrease of 5-10% of body fluids from the body.
Severe dehydration, decreased body fluid more than 10% of body weight.

If dehydration occurs, the body will experience imbalance. Then, when it was in a very severe stage, it can lead to coma and even death. Therefore, you should never try to lose weight by dehydration because it can damage your kidneys.
Signs of dehydration

What are the signs you've been in conditions that can be regarded as dehydration, summarized below:
Thirst: The most common sign and the beginning of the dehydration is thirst that appears. Thirst is also followed by the mouth, throat feels dry and slightly swollen tongue. Therefore, immediately drink!
Infrequent urination: Because the body is dehydrated then it automatically has kidney will reduce urine production due to the fluid intake should meet the other body parts. If you urinate then the color will be yellow or dark colored.
Skin is not elastic: Dehydration is also characterized by the inelasticity of the skin. Try pinching the back of your hand, if you do not immediately go back and look dry then it means that you are dehydrated.
Head feels dizzy and dizzy: Dehydration can cause dizziness and head feels dizzy and the body feels tired and sleepy. Therefore, immediately drink warm water as much as possible.
Constipation and sweating disease: Dehydration can lead to constipation due to lack of fluids, you also will not sweat when the weather is hot.

Causes of dehydration

What are the causes of dehydration then it could happen? Here are some of the causes that need to be known:
Throw up
The use of diuretics that cause the kidneys to excrete large amounts of water and salt.
Excessive heat
Lack of fluid intake because of certain diseases such as diabetes and Addison's disease.

If dehydration occurs then the first step that needs to be done is the provision of water in large quantities for mild dehydration stage. If dehydration is not only water but also electrolytes lost then the patient can be given immediately especially sodium and potassium salts. If not treated immediately, as has been mentioned dehydration can be dangerous because it leads to a state of unconsciousness, coma and even death.

Besides the consumption of beverages sold that meet water intake, salt and electrolytes can also be given. But for people with kidney disease and heart should be in consultation with your doctor first. For those who are dehydrated due to certain conditions such as diarrhea, then it should be done well handling of the diarrheal disease. By doing so the symptoms of dehydration can be reduced in line with the recovery of diarrheal disease.

Causes of Dehydration and How to Overcome It 4.5 5 littleBrother Causes of Dehydration and How to Overcome It,Causes of dehydration,dehydration, Overcome It Understanding dehydration Dehydration is a condition in which the body's fluid balance disorder or water caused by greater volumes o...

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