Benefits of Dragon Fruit


What are the efficacy and health benefits of dragon fruit to the body?

Dragon fruit is one fruit that has a unique shape and flavor no doubt delicious. However, do you know the benefits of dragon fruit we can get to eat them?
Here are some of the nutritional content of
dragon fruit is excellent for supporting the health of our bodies:

  • Dragon fruit contains High in Vitamin C: Vitamin C in dragon fruit has an important role for the health of our bodies. especially for keeping the immune system, heal open wounds and prevent ulcers etc exposed.Regularly eat a dragon fruit then is fulfilled the requirement of vitamin C to our body.
  • Dragon fruit contains Vitamin B1 / thiamine: Vitamin B1 may function as an additive energy and help your body to be able to the entire system produces a rich carbohydrate metabolism of our body.
  • Dragon fruit contains vitamin B3 / Niacin: For those people with diabetes, it is important to eat a dragon fruit that contains vitamin B3/Niacin this.Because the dragon fruit can be one low-cholesterol diet is good for health.
  • Dragon fruit contains vitamin B12: Dragon fruit is a fruit that can be used as appetite enhancing drugs. The content of B12 is helping to stimulate our appetite is gone.
  • Dragon fruit is high in fiber: high fiber content which is very beneficial to prevent constipation or difficult bowel movements. Besides, dragon fruit is also very well taken women to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI).
  • Dragon fruit is high in mineral content: The content of phosphorus and calcium in the dragon fruit is very good and beneficial for our bodies.benefits including, mineral content can be beneficial to strengthen our bones and teeth to stay strong and healthy. While the phosphorus content serves to assist in the formation of the network.
  • Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants : As a source of antioxidants which can help to ward off all the evils of free radicals that cause cancer dragon fruit can certainly be the right choice for consumption.
  • Dragon fruit can control glucose levels: For those of you who suffer fromdiabetes type II would be very good if you eat a dragon fruit to control the glucose levels in our body.
  • Dragon fruit reduces the risk of high blood pressure : By eating dragon fruit can help to control your hypertension levels. This course can help you to avoid stroke.
  • Dragon fruit can help neutralize the toxic substances in the body: A variety of toxic substances that are harmful to our bodies it can be neutralized by eating dragon fruit on a regular basis.
  • Dragon fruit can improve eyesight: The content of carotene in dragon fruit could help improve our vision. for those of you who do not like carrots then this is good info that can be used as a new reference for the carrot instead of the functions of our body.
  • Dragon fruit can help to lose weight : The consumption of dragon fruit on a regular basis it can help you to lose weight and help to build a balanced body condition.
  • Dragon fruit could prevent chronic disease of the respiratory tract: Some chronic diseases such as cough and asthma is a disease that has likely experienced by children and even adults. With regular consumption is very good for preventing the disease.
  • Dragon fruit has high content of proteins: a high protein content can help to increase metabolism and is essential for the formation of hormones course, some chemicals and enzymes in our body.
  • Dragon fruit is low in fat proven: The small black seeds inside the dragon fruit contains unsaturated fat that has a role to increase the levels of good cholesterol and removes bad cholesterol from our body.
Some of the benefits of dragon fruit is good for our health. start to eat healthy fruits for our body also wakes her health.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit 4.5 5 littleBrother Benefits of Dragon Fruit,What are the efficacy and health benefits of dragon fruit to the body? What are the efficacy and health benefits of dragon fruit to the body? Dragon fruit is one fruit that has a unique shape and flav...

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