Causes of Vertigo


Causes of Vertigo,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia,
Vertigo Symptoms & Treatment
Vertigo disease is a disease characterized by disturbances in the inner ear balance disorders so that patients can feel dizzy vertigo disease . Patients will feel the circumstances or surroundings seemed to ' spin ' or hovering . The word ' vertigo ' itself comes from the Greek ' vertere ' which means ' play ' . Therefore , vertigo can be defined as follows : Because the irritation causing the balance of the body and the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body can move is also considered that the surrounding environment . It is also accompanied by other symptoms of vertigo , especially in the autonomic networks .
Vertigo disease is also often known by the term ' dizzy ' because a person has a condition that is not normal to feel dizzy spinning and the environment but also was spinning , when one's body is not moving . This
vertigo disease can be caused by disturbances in the balance of the central or peripheral . In addition , abnormalities in the ear also contribute to disease vertigo .
Vertigo disease diagnosis by a doctor can be done in a way that is Elektronistagmografi ENG examination can determine the cause of vertigo .
Here are the symptoms and diagnosis of vertigo diseases we need to know :
Patients who experience vertigo like feeling around in circles or she feels the objects around him like spinning.
Abnormal eye movements is an indication there is a dysfunction in the inner ear or abnormalities in the nerves that connect to the brain . Rapid eye movement from left to right or from top to bottom called Nystagmus , by doing this will greatly assist in determining the diagnosis . Nystagmus can be stimulated by moving the patient's head vertigo disease suddenly or by dripping cold water into the ear of the patient.
To perform a balance test patients , patients with vertigo can be instructed to stand and walk in a straight line with your eyes open initially followed by eyes closed .
Also performed a hearing test can determine if there are abnormalities in the ear that affects hearing and balance .
Perform head MRI and CT scans can provide clues bone abnormalities and tumors that could have hit a nerve.
By taking fluid from the sinuses , ears or spine to determine whether there is an infection since .
If there is suspicion of decreased blood flow to the brain angiogram examination should be performed in order to detect whether there is a blockage in the blood vessels that flow to the brain .
How to Treat Vertigo Treatment of Disease
Vertigo can be treated , but the disease depends on the cause of the disease . For mild vertigo disease then can be given medication to reduce vertigo like meklizin , perfenazin , dimenhidrinat and scopolamine . Scopolamine particular function is to prevent the occurrence of motion sickness . The shape is like a plaster skin with long work days . All drugs recommended above can cause drowsiness , especially for people with vertigo in old age . For most sleepy little effect , for those who suffer vertigo can use scopolamine plaster form .
To prevent vertigo can actually be done in several ways , namely as follows :
Note the position of the bed with your head a little higher and got up slowly , so do not make a move surprising after sleep .
Note the movement of the neck , especially when the position up .
Avoid overeating to avoid accumulation in the body that are not released through energy .
Vertigo can be caused by allergies therefore avoid foods that cause your allergy .

Causes of Vertigo 4.5 5 littleBrother Causes of Vertigo,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia, Vertigo Symptoms & Treatment Vertigo disease is a disease characte...

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