Know Your Asthma Causes & Symptoms


Know Your Asthma Causes & Symptoms

Causes of Asthma

Asthma is constriction experienced by the hyperactivity of the respiratory tract due to certain stimuli that can cause inflammation . This narrowing is temporary . In the normal lung , there will not be affecting the respiratory tract in patients with asthma but they will experience a narrowing of the respiratory tract . This narrowing can be caused by a variety of stimuli such as dust , pollen , animal dander , air , cold , smoke and exercise .

When an asthma attack , the smooth muscle of the bronchi seizures and swelling of the tissue lining the airways due to inflammation and mucus release into airways . With this can happen deacress diameter airways also known as bronchoconstriction . Narrowing of the airways resulting in asthma sufferers should strive mightily to breathe
In the airways are certain cells in particular mast cells are believed to be responsible for this narrowing occurs first . Mast cells are located in the release of histamine and leukotrienes example materials that could result in smooth muscle contraction - increased mucus formation - white blood cells undergo displacement to the bronchi . This is a response to something that is considered by mast cells as foreign bodies , such as fine dust , soft fur , pollen and animal dander . In addition , asthma can occur in people who do not have a specific allergy . For example, if the person doing the exercise and being in cold weather causing the same reaction . Histamine and leukotrienes can be released due to anxiety and stress

Symptoms of Asthma

Frequency and severe asthma that occurs varies . There are people who rarely experienced shortness of breath attack but only a mild happen . But on other asthma sufferers may continue to experience coughing and wheezing and severe seizures after viral infection , exposure to allergens and irritants , and sports . The symptoms can be exacerbated by crying or laughing too strong . At night time and cold weather ensued Batuh prolonged .
Asthma can also occur suddenly with symptoms of wheezing or asthma often called , shortness of breath and coughing . The wheezing sound is often heard when the patient breathed . At other times , asthma attacks can happen slowly but worsened . Asthma attacks can occur a few minutes , a few hours or even days .
Diagnosis of asthma can be made ​​based on the typical symptoms of asthma . This can be done by repeated spirometry screening . Spirometry is used to assess the severity of airway obstruction and monitoring the treatment of asthma . Asthma trigger factors can be determined very easily at all . To determine the allergens that trigger asthma can be helped by allergy skin tests . If the diagnosis is still doubtful or we feel the need to know the triggers of asthma , this can be done with a bronchial challenge test .

Treatment of Asthma

People with asthma can live a life with drugs . Treatment of asthma were divided into two things that serve the immediate treatment to control asthma attacks and routine treatment works to prevent asthma attacks .
One of the best cure for asthma is a beta - adrenergic receptor agonists can reduce asthma attacks which can occur suddenly and prevent attacks triggered by exercise . Bronchodilator - adrenergic receptors stimulates airway dilation . But does have side effects on other organs such as rapid heartbeat , headaches and muscle and nervous.

Know Your Asthma Causes & Symptoms 4.5 5 littleBrother Know Your Asthma Causes & Symptoms.Causes of Asthma,Symptoms of Asthma Know Your Asthma Causes & Symptoms Causes of Asthma Asthma is constriction experienced by the hyperactivity of the respiratory tra...

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