What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a symptom and infection that comes from the human immune system has been damaged due to infection from the HIV virus. or other viruses that are

similar. Own virus called HIV virus or stretched into Human
Immunodeficiency Virus that causes the human immune system becomes weak. Man who had been infected with this virus will become susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. Treatment of this disease can only slow the spread of the virus but can not really cure it.
The HIV virus is transmitted from direct contact between the layers of the skin, blood or body fluids that contain the HIV virus in it. Body fluids that can include blood, vaginal fluid, semen, preseminal and even breast milk. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse performed vaginal, oral and anal sex, contaminated needles, blood transfusions and mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
People with AIDS often have systemic symptoms of infection like fevers, sweats especially at night, swollen glands, chills, weakness and weight loss.Opportunistic infections in AIDS patients also occur depending on the geographic area in which the life of AIDS patients. Some diseases that can be suffered by people with AIDS are as follows:
- Main pulmonary disease
- The main gastrointestinal diseases
- Neurological disease and major psychiatric
- Cancer and malignant tumors (malignant)
- Opoortunistik other infections such as inflammation of the bowel disorders, inflammatory disorders on the retina of the eye.
Stages system HIV-AIDS Virus Infection
AIDS disease has four stages based on the World Health Organization (WHO), which is as follows:
- Stage I is asymptomatic HIV infection and disease is not categorized as AIDS.
- Stage II is a small mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract inflammation occurs repeatedly.
- Stage III is chronic diarrhea for over a month and can not be described, severe bacterial infections and tuberculosis.
- Stage IV is included cerebral toxoplasmosis, tracheal, esophageal candidiasis, bronchi or lungs and Kaposi's sarcoma. These are indicators of AIDS.
The need for HIV-AIDS Test
Many do not realize they could have been infected with the HIV virus. For example, in urban Africa, only about 1% are taking an HIV test. HIV tests include HIV enzyme immunoassay and Western blot testing, this is done for the detection of HIV antibodies in serum, plasma, Chordata mouth, the patient's urine and dried blood. It takes about 3-6 months to seroconvert and test positive.
AIDS Disease Prevention
Here are some ways to prevent infection by the HIV virus that infected and AIDS:
- To reduce the risk of possible HIV virus and other sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented with male condoms and female condoms.Because AIDS is usually transmitted by a person who will be affected by the HIV virus.
- People need to use new syringes to avoid HIV virus that may already contaminate. Drug use can also increase the risks of AIDS because they could exchange syringes contaminated.
- Transmission from mothers and children can also occur. Therefore, antiretroviral drugs, caesarean section, and giving food formula will help reduce the risk of HIV-AIDS.
Until now there is no cure for HIV-AIDS but only slow the progression of the virus alone. For example, with the use of anti-retroviral drugs and vaccines as well as alternative treatments. Therefore, we also need to guard against transmission of HIV virus that can cause AIDS.
its about Cause of AIDS & Disease Prevention