Various Causes of Cough


Is coughing including sickness ?

Cough illness is one of the most common diseases suffered by humans . Who has never experienced a cough ?Cough itself was not called as a disease but the body to the body's defense mechanism on the part of the respiratory tract . In addition , cough is a symptom or a reaction of the body facing irritation in the throat . Irritation of the throat itself can be caused by food , mucus , dust , smoke and other . Therefore, the cough is
a response to certain stimuli , for example because there is dust in the nose , respiratory tract or ear or called cough receptors .
Well , then flows through the central nervous receptors in the brain stone . Then , the brain will signal to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects such purpose . Therefore , cough ensued .
Disease Types of Cough
Cough itself is divided into two types based on the timing of the stone , which is as follows :
Acute Cough : Acute cough is a cough that occurs during less than 14 days and in 1 episode . In the sense that if it occurs more than 14 days and repeated in a few months it is no longer referred to as an acute cough .
Chronic Cough : Chronic cough can occur because the symptoms of diseases such as asthma , tuberculosis ( TB ) and whooping cough ( cough 100 days ) .
Meanwhile, according to the symptoms , cough is divided into 2 categories , among others :
Cough with phlegm : phlegm cough , also known as a productive cough is a cough accompanied by phlegm . Sputum itself comes from the sinus / nasal or it could be from the lungs and throat .
Dry cough : Dry Stone is also called non - productive cough that cough is not accompanied by phlegm . This cough usually occurs due to the end of a flu-like symptoms , irritation of the dust and cigarette smoke .

Causes of Cough

Cause of cough is quite varied depending on the type of cough experienced , in general the following are some causes of coughing that often encountered :
Infections of the upper respiratory tract is a symptom of the flu .
ISPA or Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Tuberculosis or asthma
Foreign bodies into the respiratory passage .
Choking when drinking milk , can occur in infants .
Exposed to smoke from people around , or he himself is an active smoker .
Psychogenic cough , which is caused by psychological and emotional impact .

Simple Cough Medicine

For cough disease can be treated with a simple way . One of the most well known is the lemon. The materials needed are as follows : 3 tablespoons lemon juice , 3/4 cup strong tea and sugar cubes of about chicken eggs . Then , all the ingredients are mixed and stirred until dissolved .
In adults can be given three times a day is one herb . Meanwhile , the children were given three times a day just a half cup only. However , in infants is not recommended . As for toddlers can be given honey as a cough remedy , is because honey acts as an anti - oxidant . However , parents should be careful not to give honey to babies . For infants with cough , parents can heal in a way to warm the baby . The trick is to include a steam bath , apply turmeric on or inserted into the breast milk and some essential oils .
Yes , the handling of unknown causes cough cough be the first. Unlike medicine certainly different causes . In addition , improving the immune system will also accelerate the healing process you may experience coughing 

Various Causes of Cough 4.5 5 littleBrother Various Causes of Cough,coughing,Causes of Cough,Simple Cough Medicine Is coughing including sickness ? Cough illness is one of the most common diseases suffered by humans . Who has never experienced a cough ...

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