How do I maintain a good pregnancy ?


How do I maintain a good pregnancy ?,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia,

Got tips on keeping pregnancy a baby is the dream of the couple are married . Therefore when the mother heard the news already pregnant then all parties, including the family wants the best . Maintain the pregnancy became a liability to realize those dreams . This period to be the most thrilling moments in life , especially the first-time mothers who are pregnant and will give birth later .

For that , you need to know how to maintain good pregnancy that pregnancy and delivery went smoothly . No doubt in addition to positive happiness pregnant , there is also a sense of anxiety due to various facto
rs and probably a few things about pregnancy that had been heard . However , the mothers do not need to worry . Be happy and calm is one of the best key to maintain the pregnancy . In addition , let us consider the points about keeping the pregnancy following tips :

1 . Pre - pregnancy check

Actually before pregnancy , the prospective mother should pre - pregnancy health checks used as TORCH , blood sugar checks , and so on . It is useful to detect diseases or other abnormalities that there may be suffered by the prospective mother is at risk is transmitted to the fetus .

2 . Particularly in the area of ​​hygiene miss V

Maintain cleanliness of the vagina area to avoid whitish important to do . Whiteness can be transmitted to a fetus conceived . Thus , whiteness can not be ignored but should be rapidly treated .

3 . Routine pregnancy check

Ways to do more to keep the pregnancy is with a routine pregnancy check . However dross advised not to keep changing obstetrician observed that content effectively . Doctors do not even know the history of pregnancy if the mother mutually doctor .

4 . A healthy lifestyle

There is no other way to maintain the pregnancy in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle . Healthy lifestyles must include adequate nutrition for the body and of course regular exercise as well . Well , for it does not hurt to record what foods should be avoided by pregnant women in order to maintain its contents in order to stay healthy and safe until born . Some of which should be considered are as follows :

Do not eat raw or undercooked food . This is because raw or undercooked foods can have disastrous infection because it contains germs . For example, there are bacteria Listeria which can cause miscarriage , Salmonella bacteria that can lead to miscarriage and Toksoplasam parasites that can cause fetal abnormalities.

Noting that consumption of seafood containing mercury ussually . Seafood is recommended for pregnant women because it contains omega - 3 fats , iron and protein . However, it must be observed came from and how to cook . Levels of pollution on the fish's body can be seen from the large old and her fish .

Should avoid caffeine because it can affect the heart rate and fetal respiratory system . Should also consume herbal teas should be in consultation with your doctor first. This is because herbal teas are generally mixed with raspberry or rosemary leaves that can trigger contractions .

Who do not consume milk through pasteurization process is not recommended because it can transmit the bacteria to the fetus .

Indeed, many taboos when pregnant and really need to pay attention to what they ate and activities each day . However , pregnant women should not be so anxious in the days keep this pregnancy . By doing so , pregnant women will be more prepared and relaxed and of course this will greatly affect the fetus and childbirth . Congratulations !

How do I maintain a good pregnancy ? 4.5 5 littleBrother How do I maintain a good pregnancy ?,penyakit leukimia,pengobatan leukimia, How do I maintain a good pregnancy ? Got tips ...

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