Causes of gout


Causes of gout

Many people think that gout is pain itself , but it is only a myth people. Though not all the pain itself is really caused by uric acid. Traditional herbal medicine advertising was aggravating it. To confirm the diagnosis laboratium actually needed.

Definition of Uric Acid

What is the gout? Uric acid is an acid that forms crystals in the form derived from the metabolism outcome purine derivative form of the nucleoprotein. This is one of the components of nucleic acids that we can get in the nucleus of the cell body. Naturally actually purines can be found in all foods derived from living cells.For example, meat and fish such as sardines and offal foods derived from vegetables for example nuts, fruits and vegetables.
We must also know that in fact every person must have gout. This is because the normal metabolism inevitably produce uric acid. The trigger is contained by purines in the diet. Foods that contain high purine is derived from animal products. Therefore, people who are at high risk of gout should avoid these food products. One of them is the eggs, offal and fish hearing.

Causes of Gout

Cause of gout is divided into two categories namely primary gout and disease secondary gour. Primary gout is not known for sure the cause is suspected it is due to genetic factors and hormonal genetic combination that can lead to metabolic disturbances resulting in the production of uric acid also increased consumed much less food containing purines lot. Because metabolism is not good, it also resulted in expenditure of purine substances the body becomes smooth. As for secondary gout is caused by uric acid production due to increased nutrients, ie, those who ate foods with a high purine substances.
Blood diseases such as polycythemia and bone marrow disease can increase the production of uric acid for example derived from drugs, alcohol and cancer drugs. Other causes can be caused from obesity, skin disease and high levels of trigiselida.
Every person has a risk of developing gout . Therefore, the symptoms that may occur should be cautious. Arthritis caused by uric acid levels in the blood that increases referred to as gouty arthritis and gout arthritis. Inflammation of the tissue that forms urate crystals can cause acute gouty arthritis. History of the disease and clinical features in gouty arthritis is specific so that the diagnosis can be directly determined. If the condition of a patient's disease progression fulfill several requirements were very classic example possessed all the typical symptoms a person can be said to suffer from gout. This can also be done by microscopic examination to see the fluid itself or tofus lumps of uric acid crystals uric acid is found that looks like a needle.
Usually it is the men who are often attacked by gout , while the percentage of women are smaller and generally arise when after menopause. Consistent increase in the age of the uric acid levels to rise, while the men in these women began menopause.

Why in men at increased risk of gout?

The men had gout tends to be higher than women because men do not have the hormone estrogen. Whereas estrogen helping disposal of uric acid through urine.So when a woman has estrogen hormone, removal of uric acid to be controlled.But when entering the menopause, women lose estrogen.

Causes of gout 4.5 5 littleBrother Causes of gout,Definition of Uric Acid,gout, Causes of gout Many people think that  gout is pain itself  , but it is only a myth people.  Though not all the pain itself is really ...

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