Easy ways to prevent insomnia


Causes of disease and how to treat insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder or insomnia that often afflicts many people, especially in an age of all-powerful. People do not pay attention to the importance of sleep so when there was a chance. insomnia include difficulty a person to sleep and maintaining sleep, followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia can be caused by a disease or psychological problem that causes a person difficult to close my eyes. This fact makes them who suffer from insomnia turn to sleeping pills and a sedative that eventually would lead to dependence.

To diagnose insomnia itself is not only seen if the patient is routinely sleep on time or not. Though these symptoms may be only part of a delayed sleep phasesyndrome. Some of the items considered when a doctor making a diagnosis include:
Sleep patterns
Is there any use of illegal drugs
Levels of psychological stress sufferers
Medical history
Physical activity acted

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia itself is not a disease but the symptoms match called due to some abnormalities such as emotional disorders, physical and drug use. However, the following summary of the causes of insomnia:
Sleep patterns are not fixed such as work schedule changes. Though important for everyone to have a sleep and wake schedules are fixed every day.
Ate at were too heavy when bedtime approached, but the body must have to complete the digestion process first.
Too long rest during the day so that evening we had difficulty sleeping.
Cigarettes and caffeine. Nicotine can speed up the heart rate and pulse rate and blood flow faster. As well as the caffeine. You could not sleep because of it.
Lack of exercise.
Jetlag ie move from a place that has different hours as those traveling from the eastern to the western world.
Required to work at night so that the body becomes accustomed to staying up late.
Damage to the brain such as Alzheimer's disease , stroke and encephalitis.

Did you know that insomnia can even result in death? Survey conducted by theAmerican Cancer Society find the data that they were sleeping about 7 hours a night have a lower death rate. While those who sleep less which is less than 6 hours, and even that is excessive sleep more than 8 hours had a higher mortality rate. However, the use of sleeping pills in order to sleep at night can also lead to a high risk of death!

Insomnia Medicine

To overcome insomnia depends on the cause. Here are some ways to overcome insomnia :
Patients with insomnia should be calm and make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible with the bedroom lights are dim and not noisy in order to sleep.
If you can not sleep because of the stress it should be given stress relievers, or for those who are depressed may be given anti-depression medication.
For those who feel healthy but can not be given medication to sleep then sleep for a while.
Therapeutic hypnosis / hypnotherapy can be done to overcome insomnia without the use of drugs.

To make yourself as comfortable as possible in order to sleep, you can try some of the following:
Receiving a massage on the body to relieve tension in the body.
Bath of warm water mixed with natural oils of jasmine, lavender, chamomile, rose and lemon balm. Then it could be shedding it in a handkerchief and placed under the pillow.

To overcome insomnia is not easy but can be socialized. Therefore, do not give up!

Easy ways to prevent insomnia 4.5 5 littleBrother Easy ways to prevent insomnia,Causes of Insomnia,Insomnia Medicine Causes of disease and how to treat insomnia Insomnia is a sleep disorder or insomnia that often afflicts many people, especially in an a...

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