Sex Diseases - Know the Cause & Prevention
Venereal disease is a type of disease caused by germs that are transmitted through oral sex or through sexual intercourse . Types of venereal diseases include gonorrhea , herpes , syphilis and HIV - AIDS . This sexually transmitted disease is the most frightening disease for everyone . In Indonesia, the disease transmission rate is among the highest . The most susceptible are those who have a habit of unhealthy behaviors . Some venereal disease was curable , but some are not like AIDS .To avoid venereal disease can only be prevented by not having sex or sex at random , in a way faithful to one partner or by the use of condoms . With regular treatment with antibiotics which for example can cure some certain venereal diseases . But we need to know is the mutation of bacteria can produce germs that are resistant treatment is given so that there is even more severe variants arise for example Vietnam rose to the Vietnam War era .
For HIV / AIDS can be transmitted by sharing needles contaminated with HIV virus . AIDS cure has not been found up to now , only drugs to prolong the life of the patient alone .
Here we discuss two types of venereal disease are already known :
1 . Gonorrhea Disease / Diabetes PusThe disease is called Gonorrhea or Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae which causes the lining of the urethra , rectum , cervix , throat and even the white part of the eye becomes infected . Gonorrhea is spread from the bloodstream to other parts of the body , especially the joints and skin . The women are infected with gonorrhea will spread to the genitals and channels in the membrane gets infected hip that feels pain in the hip .
To diagnose gonorrhea can be done by microscopic examination of the bacteria that cause gonorrhea pus found . If not found then it can be done in a laboratory culture .
Drug disease gonorrhea is a single injection of ceftriaxone intramuscularly or muscle can be done with oral administration of antibiotics within one week . But if gonorrhea is spread through the bloodstream , then the patient should treated in hospital intensive and will receive intravenous antibiotics through an IV inserted .
2 . Syphilis disease
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochete bacterium called Treponema pallidum . Transmission usually occurs through sexual contact , but it can also be through direct contact and transmission from mother to child in the uterus called as kongenitalo syphilis . The disease is often referred to as ' the Great Imitators ' because the signs and symptoms of syphilis many and different from one another so often mistaken for other diseases . If not done the intensive care can result in serious effects as examples of damage to the nervous system , brain and heart . Therefore , those who have a risk of getting syphilis or who already have to go to the doctor .
The disease is more often seen in men than women . The women in general are not aware of the disease syphilis . One of the symptoms . Could be seen was a red rash in the genital area and accompanied by intense itching . The men also should keep yourself and also taking care not to transmit the disease to others . The way to prevent syphilis is to not have sex freely and regularly check to the doctor .