Early Signs of Pregnancy


Sexual intercourse is done at a time when a woman is fertile period will generally resulted in pregnancy. 

The egg cells are fertilized by sperm to be implanted in the uterus and develop as a fetus. This certainly is very awaited by married couples who've wanted the birth of a baby in their domestic life. Therefore, a sign of early pregnancy that will be presented here must surely be very useful for any woman who is expecting the presence of a baby. In addition, by knowing the signs of pregnancy, women can check and maintain the pregnancy early on. Know the signs of early pregnancy in women is an early sign of pregnancy can be different on each woman. However, signs of pregnancy, the following are the most common in most women. Not experiencing Menstruation Does not experience menstrual, sometimes it could be a sign of a disease. However, under normal conditions there is no other sign of that support the existence of a disease, then got no menstruation is an early sign of pregnancy. This occurs because the uterus is prepared to contain future fetus. Therefore, women should be aware of their menstrual cycle so that it can check whether it's too late getting my period or not. Breast Shape change when it gets the pregnancy, the shape of the breasts will enlarge and become more sensitive. The breast will feel toned, itching, and sometimes also the pain if touched. In addition to its shape, the nipple or aerola darkened and grown up. 
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This sign is actually not surprising because these women later nursing her baby. Urination not to worry if you become more frequent urination because it is part of an early sign of pregnancy. The uterus getting larger makes bladder distress and encourage women to urinate. These complaints can be gradually reduced to reach 28 weeks gestational age. Often Sleepy women who are pregnant will be drowsy more often although nothing short of sleep time. Changes in the production of hormones that occur drastically causing the pregnant woman easily tired and finally feeling sleepy. Vomiting and Nausea feeling is an early sign of pregnancy it is also a very common symptoms that occur in pregnant women, especially early in the pregnancy. This sign is also often referred to as morning sickness. Why? No other is because women are more likely to feel nausea and sometimes vomiting in the morning. However, the rates on every woman is different, some are feeling excessive nausea and even regurgitate whatever was eaten, but some are not so bad. Feeling Cravings in early pregnancy cravings, feeling it is reasonable. Women will usually be very wanting some specific foods, such as fruit acids or other foods. The cause of the existence of such a sign is actually not known clearly to the present. Constipation in General, the complaint is referred to as constipation. This pregnancy sign going on almost 50% of women. It is also caused by the uterus is enlarged and causing a growing emphasis. Hormonal changes can also cause constipation. If many of the signs of early pregnancy is already mentioned above occur in females, then most likely the woman is indeed got a pregnancy. Immediately checked with a pregnancy test or visit your doctor for a clearer result. Ultrasound assessment is also needed so that pregnancy can be maintained properly.

Early Signs of Pregnancy 4.5 5 littleBrother Early Signs of Pregnancy Sexual intercourse is done at a time when a woman is fertile period will generally resulted in pregnancy.  The egg cells are fertilized ...

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