Liver Diseases and Liver Disorders In
Also known as liver or liver is a vital organ of the body , including a very important and has more than 500 functions in the body . These functions include neutralize harmful substances in the body that come in from outside and inside the body and then be discharged into the intestine , and liver also serve to control blood clotting and produces bile that fats break down into fatty acids in the digestive process . Liver function was to form blood plasma and blood clotting substances , mineral substances storing , backup and burning sugar water .The liver itself is the largest gland in the body and is located in the upper right abdomen and is divided into two parts, namely the right lobe and left lobe . Right lobe is larger than the left lobe which is about 65% of the total liver volume . The liver also has unique characteristics when compared to other organs because it can update yourself . Therefore , if the partial removal of the liver will not take too long for the body to its original size which is about 2 weeks . Why is that ? Because the liver or liver is composed of small cells called hepatocytes which have a function for the production of new cells in the period of rapid
Some causes of liver disease
Liver disease or liver disease can be divided into two parts based on the length of the patient has been suffering from this disease , namely acute and chronic . Here are some of the causes of heart disease :Patients did experience abnormalities in the liver is a congenital or when the birth .
Abnormalities and disorders of the metabolic process .
Patients infected with a virus or bacteria such as hepatitis A , hepatitis B , or hepatitis non - A or non - B .
Patients taking certain medications that are toxic to the liver .
Patients experiencing malnutrition and nutrition .
Patients infected with fungal toxins , for example arsenic , anabolics steroids , vinyl chloride and aflatoxin fungus .
Patients experiencing alcohol dependence and addictive substances that other woods .
One of the other causes of liver disease is a habit and addiction of smoking .
Symptoms and Signs of Heart Disease
Symptoms of liver disease or liver disease can be seen through the symptoms and signs as follows :
Membrane and eye whites turn into yellow color and usually these symptoms are also known as jaundice .
Excessive bile levels in the blood also causes the lining of the eye and skin color to yellow .
Patients with frequent vomiting and she lost appetite .
Patients easily feel depressed .
Patients often feel pain and tenderness in the right upper abdomen .
Agency for liver disease patients often experience fatigue and pain ( malaise )
Liver disease patient urine color dark brown like tea .
Stool color / pale stools patient .
Patients experiencing rapid weight loss .
Patients experiencing hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels .
People with the disease experience a decrease in sexual desire .
Patients experiencing varicose veins or enlargement .
If you already have symptoms of heart disease is the more severe stage liver failure will cause the following symptoms :
Bone marrow can no longer make blood cells known as aplastic anemia or .
The collection of fluid in the abdomen referred to as ascites .
Swelling under the skin , also known as edema .
Abnormalities that affect the brain functions also known as Encephalopathy .
Liver enlargement and pain or tenderness .
Also have an enlarged spleen .
Experience changes in mental status and level of consciousness .
Are prone to bleeding
Hopefully this article useful for heart disease that we may be experiencing the symptoms already mentioned .