Keeping Young Pregnancy


How do I maintain early pregnancy ?

When he found out that he was positively confirmed pregnant , the expectant mother must be very happy . However , the statement is to present the major responsibility of the prospective mother and father in order to keep up a healthy birth . Yes , early pregnancy is a time to be guarded with great care because at that time still susceptible to disturbance , for it is highly advised to know what things are necessary to maintain pregnancy in young
In fact , for the sake of the baby , some mothers choose to take time off from their work during early pregnancy , especially the first 3 months . At the gestational age , the fetus is very susceptible to miscarriage . In addition , too much activity is also not good for the growth and development of the fetus .
One of the most frequent problems faced by young pregnant women in early pregnancy is feeling nauseous . This raises the loss of appetite . In fact , during pregnancy , mothers need more nutrition than the previous days . What should be considered and carried the young mothers in order to maintain the pregnancy is going well ?


Tips for maintaining early pregnancy for young pregnant women

Young Coconut Water
Young coconut water is highly recommended consumed by pregnant women . Pregnant women tend to feel nauseous and regurgitate food in the first trimester . Besides useful to treat nausea , coconut water is also beneficial to neutralize toxins found in the body . Young coconut is also known to make the baby's skin will be smooth and seamless .
White water
Both at the beginning of pregnancy until near birth , the mother should consume plenty of water . Drinking water is very good in maintaining early pregnancy in order to avoid excessive fatigue flavor . Dehydration can also cause miscarriage . Therefore , bring drinking water with you wherever you go .
In early pregnancy , the mother is not advisable to do a lot of activities . In contrast , pregnant women need lots of rest because fetal growth is still vulnerable in the future . Take leave during the first 3 months is a wise choice . Or , for the mother who does not work, reduce activities such as traveling or the streets . When I was in the house , the husband was required to work together so that the wife is not too much to do homework . Husband must keep the pregnant wife is not exhausted by washing clothes and avoid heavy lifting .
Fruit should be made to be consumed in order to provide adequate nutrition for the fetus . Indeed , some fruit would lead to nausea and vomiting . Therefore , mothers should carefully choose pieces that suit their condition and do not tend to only eat fruit that you like just excessive . Suggested fruits are bananas and dates. Fruit is good for maintaining early pregnancy .
Keeping young pregnancy is certainly not independent of the vitamin . Mothers can meet this requirement by taking the proper supplements as recommended by your doctor .

examination Routine

Regular doctor visits , especially in early pregnancy is important in order to ascertain the growth and development of the fetus . Such an examination is also required so that parents can know what they need to do and to avoid. The mother can monitor whether the development of their baby fine or otherwise there are things that need to be anticipated .
Keeping young pregnancy is quite difficult and must be done very carefully . Expectant mothers and fathers should be wise and work together to make the adjustment to the number of activities and adapt them to the condition of the mother . Therefore , the couple is strongly recommended to have the mental readiness , physical , and materials when planning a pregnancy . So , keep your pregnancy early as possible !

Keeping Young Pregnancy 4.5 5 littleBrother Keeping Young Pregnancy How do I maintain early pregnancy ? When he found out that he was positively confirmed pregnant , the expectant mother must be very happy...

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