How do I know the characteristics of the pregnant ?
Surely there is a difference between women who are pregnant and not pregnant . However , there are some women who do not realize that they are pregnant because they do not know the signs of pregnancy or the characteristics of the pregnant . In fact , knowing that early pregnancy is very important that a mother can be to keep yourself and the fetus . Ignorance in this case can make a woman carelessly consume foods and drinks that should not be good , especially in early pregnancy . Therefore , the characteristics of the pregnant following is important to know the women .The characteristics of the pregnant person needs to know
Morning Sickness
What is morning sickness in pregnant women ? This sign is a feeling of nausea and vomiting . It says morning sickness because symptoms are typically the most complained about in the morning . Hormonal changes which occur suddenly and dramatically increases the cause of the symptoms of this one . In addition , nausea can also be experienced by women when inhaling certain scents , such as foul odors , cooking smells , etc. . So , when it perceives a complaint like this , you can check immediately by using pregnancy test kits are easily available in various stores .Changes in Breast Shape
Changes in breast shape is one of the prominent features in women receiving pregnancy . Breast feels more full and white also enlarged and was sensitive . Part areola breasts even bigger and change color to dark and itchy . Breast sensitive and painful and sore to the touch are the traits of those pregnant very easily recognizable . This change is caused by the hormone estrogen , HPL , prolactin , progesterone , and oxytocin are increased .Frequency of urination
You can indicate that you are pregnant if the frequency of urination increased dramatically . This is because the growth of the fetus can suppress bladder so often feel full and make you urinate more often . It should be noted also that women who experience this complaint should not hold urination and consume more and more water to prevent dehydration .
Some pregnant women also experience signs of melasma , such as brown spots or black spots on the area around the face . The face can also be dull and greasy . If you previously did not have problems on the face , then this could be a sign of a pregnant person traits that happen to you .Teeth and Gums changes
Women who are pregnant are very susceptible to canker sores and gingivitis . The reason is that changing the teeth and gums softer so easily infected .
Definitely worth immediately checked if you are pregnant or if you become accustomed to not spit . Yes , this bad habit of belonging is very commonly experienced by pregnant women . This habit is very rarely found in women who are not pregnant . So , when you are usually reluctant to spit then become frequent spit , then you 're most likely get pregnant .
like Drowsiness
Hormonal changes occur suddenly when the body containing the fetus . Some organs are also encouraged to work harder because they have to meet your needs as well as the fetus . Your weight also increased so that three things make you become more easily fatigued and sleepy . Fetus will increase your weight load . Yes , some women even look pale during pregnancy because it was understaffed.The characteristics of the pregnant already mentioned above should be known by every woman , especially those who are married . That understanding will make the woman can take the appropriate steps in maintaining early pregnancy . May be useful !