There are people who seem easy to achieve ideal weight and also easy to maintain. Is talent born or lifestyle? You know, the people who always seem slim bodies, already has four habits such as below.
Experts examined two groups of volunteers, one group Interests lunch without leaving the computer, while the two groups prefer eating out. When examined, showing the two groups feel more comfortable and less motivated than one group snacking in the afternoon.
So, make it a habit to eat soup or salad for the first time (Be careful with the choice of clothing) before entering the main menu. There have been studies showed that people who drank two cups of water before meals to lose weight than those who do not drink water before meals.
A friend brought a box office favorite donut everyone and put it in an accessible place, then let everyone enjoy it. Before you take the one hand, constantly first. Close your eyes and imagine that you already take a donut and now you chew slowly. Now open your eyes and you will find that the desire was excited to eat has declined dramatically cakes. According to experts, this type of visualization can reduce the desire to overeat.
According to Angelo Tremblay, Ph.D., a researcher at the Obesity at Laval University in Quebec City, when your body of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, then you will increase your appetite. In other words, a healthy diet program, which still monitors the adequacy of nutrition are more likely to be successful, rather than a strict diet program without regard to the rules of balanced nutrition status.
1. Stay away from the computer
One of the most fun of the lunch hour is you can go out, a moment away from the office computer and work. Moreover, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that lunch outside encourage you to eat less food amounts while playing solitaire on the computer.Experts examined two groups of volunteers, one group Interests lunch without leaving the computer, while the two groups prefer eating out. When examined, showing the two groups feel more comfortable and less motivated than one group snacking in the afternoon.
2. Choose foods that contain a lot of water
Can foods that contain a lot of water, such as soups, salads, watermelon, cucumbers, and make full, but with less calories that enter the body. Interestingly, eat while drinking does not give the same effect.So, make it a habit to eat soup or salad for the first time (Be careful with the choice of clothing) before entering the main menu. There have been studies showed that people who drank two cups of water before meals to lose weight than those who do not drink water before meals.
3. Imagine that you eat before taking food
A friend brought a box office favorite donut everyone and put it in an accessible place, then let everyone enjoy it. Before you take the one hand, constantly first. Close your eyes and imagine that you already take a donut and now you chew slowly. Now open your eyes and you will find that the desire was excited to eat has declined dramatically cakes. According to experts, this type of visualization can reduce the desire to overeat.4. Take vitamins
There is no magic wand that can make you lose weight without effort. But regularly take vitamins can help trim excess fat. In a study of more than 85 overweight women in China, I found that those who regularly take multivitamins (with 29 vitamins and minerals) have proved to reduce the weight of 1.5 kg more than dieters who did not consume multivitamins.According to Angelo Tremblay, Ph.D., a researcher at the Obesity at Laval University in Quebec City, when your body of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, then you will increase your appetite. In other words, a healthy diet program, which still monitors the adequacy of nutrition are more likely to be successful, rather than a strict diet program without regard to the rules of balanced nutrition status.