4 Natural Ways to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstruation is a normal cycle in the life of every woman. However, pain and cramps that sometimes distracting.
Some women even feel menstrual pain and cramps for five days or more a month.
Pain or menstrual cramps can be relieved with natural ingredients that you can find at home.However, if cramping and pain feels very disturbing, you should immediately see a doctor for further examination.
1. Warm compresses
Compress the lower abdomen is the easiest and most effective way to relieve menstrual cramps.This will help relax the muscles in the uterus area that is constantly contracting.You can soak in warm water for half an hour or compress the lower abdomen with a warm compress.It will help the menstrual blood to flow more smoothly.
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2. Ginger
Ginger is an herb that effective to relieve menstrual cramps.You can scrape a small piece of ginger and mix it with honey for direct consumption or made ginger tea and drink it 3 times a day.For those of you that have problems with blood viscosity should be careful taking ginger.It could not hurt to consult a doctor first.
3. Basil
Basil can relieve pain because it contains acids (caffeic acid) so as to effectively treat menstrual cramps.Insert 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water and cover tightly for 10 minutes and then drink.
4. Tea Camomile
Camomile tea is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic that helps relax the muscles of the womb.You can brew a teaspoon of camomile in a cup of boiling water and add the honey to taste sweet.
4 Natural Ways to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
Menstruation is a normal cycle in the life of every woman. However, pain and cramps that sometimes distracting. Some women even feel me...